Thursday 6 July 2017

Setting server system variable 'old_alter_table' back to '0'.

Error :-- MySQL Enterprise Backup version 4.1.0 Linux-2.6.39-400.215.10.el5uek-x86_64 [2017/03/01] Copyright (c) 2003, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

170705 03:00:01 MAIN    INFO: A thread created with Id '140533386585920'
170705 03:00:01 MAIN    INFO: Starting with following command line ...
        -u root -pxxxxxxx --no-locking

170705 03:00:01 MAIN    INFO:
170705 03:00:01 MAIN    INFO: MySQL server version is '5.7.16-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log'
170705 03:00:01 MAIN    INFO: MySQL server compile os version is 'linux-glibc2.5'
170705 03:00:01 MAIN    INFO: Got some server configuration information from running server.
170705 03:06:19 RDR1    INFO: Copying the database directory 'mysql'
170705 03:06:19 RDR1    INFO: Copying the database directory 'performance_schema'
170705 03:06:19 RDR1    INFO: Copying the database directory 'routeFinderBuildCircuitTable'
170705 03:06:19 RDR1    INFO: Copying the database directory 'routeFinderRouteValidation'
170705 03:06:19 RDR1    INFO: Copying the database directory 'routeFinderStatusReports'
170705 03:06:20 RDR1 Progress in MB: 46400 46600 46800 47000
170705 03:06:21 RDR1    INFO: Copying the database directory 'routeFinderTables'
170705 03:06:22 RDR1 Progress in MB: 47200 47400 47600 47800 48000 48200 48400 48600 48800 49000 49200 49400 49600 49800 50000 50200 50400 50600 50800 51000 51200 51400 51600 51800 52000 52200 52400 52600 52800
170705 03:06:38 WTR1 ERROR: Disk full while writing '/backup/backup_full_3302/03hr_05_July_2017/datadir/routeFinderTables/DvGtestT_C.MYI'
170705 03:06:38 WTR1    INFO: Requesting completion of redo log copy. Rapid: 1
170705 03:06:38 RLR1    INFO: Signaled '1' to complete log copy.
170705 03:06:38 RLR1    INFO: Signaled '1' to complete log copy.
170705 03:06:38 RLR1    INFO: Redo log reader waited = 395270.00 ms for logs to generate.

mysqlbackup failed with errors!
170705 03:06:38 MAIN    INFO: Setting server system variable 'old_alter_table' back to '0'. 

Issue :-- 170705 03:06:38 WTR1 ERROR: Disk full while writing '/backup/backup_full_3302/03hr_05_July_2017/datadir/routeFinderTables/DvGrptestT_C.MYI'

Setting server system variable 'old_alter_table' back to '0'.

Solution :--  Check server disk space where backup files generated & remove old files & start backup again